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warehousing and distribution sector cctv benefits

Theft and how to avoid it.
When most people hear the word CCTV, they instantly think of security. While CCTV plays animportant rol e in stock loss prevention and is a key control mechanism, not many businesses realize its full potential and feel it serves solely as a deterrent to theft.

CCTV is used to prevent theft in the warehouse section of Logistics for high-value products, electronics, designer goods, cosmetics, and so on (compact and desirable). Any theft will result in an unknown deviation in the inventory file, resulting in a lost sale that reflects on the Logistics Service Provider’s (LSP) capacity to maintain an accurate stock file; seen as ‘bad stock management’.

This can have a significant negative impact on the capacity to secure and retain long-term clients, as well as the possibility of chargebacks from the respective clients for the stolen items. A properly installed and positioned CCTV camera system can offer evidence of who stole the products and where they were stolen from. This leads us to ask, “Can you afford not to either install a bespoke CCTV System or upgrade your existing cameras and system?”

“Three for the price of one”
While theft is the most typical reason for installing CCTV, it can also be used to check delivery differences from suppliers and consumers, so protecting an LSP’s liability. CCTV that has been properly placed can be used as part of loss prevention investigations by providing vision into activity areas such as loading bays and what is being loaded into or offloaded from vehicle containers. This film can either validate or contradict any accusation about what the LSP received or dispatched.

CCTV also serves as an investigative management tool for damage investigations since it provides visibility into issues that would otherwise go unresolved or ignored. Whether intentionally damaged or not, the stock is written off (stock loss), resulting in a lost sale, liability issues, contract fines, and the reputation of “poor stock management.” If stock is damaged, the individuals responsible can be easily identified and the necessary action taken, whether that is re-training or other more serious action if deemed necessary. In this situation, CCTV will play a major role in providing evidence should there be litigation involved if an employee’s contract is terminated due to their actions, saving both time and money on behalf of the company.

The third and last benefit is the management of the site’s health and safety. Most LSP operations have several vehicles in operation, whether forklifts or tractor and trailer units, a well as other diverse areas of risk associated with these sites. Accidents, while thankfully uncommon, sometimes occur; in these cases, CCTV can be utilized to properly analyze the incident and verify or refute the reason for the incident. In the worst-case scenario, this might prevent the LSP’s operations from being stopped for an extended period of time, resulting in a significant loss of turnover.

Over the years, S I Secure has carried out countless installations in this area and has gained knowledge of which CCTV Cameras and Systems operate best. The location and specifications of each camera deployed must provide the LSP with the coverage they require; this can only be accomplished via clear communication and awareness of what standards must be satisfied.

If you would like a free site evaluation and to benefit from our extensive experience in warehouse CCTV systems, please contact us at and we will be pleased to organize a visit.

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